
Al Dayaa S.A.R.L. is a limited responsibility company, located in North Lebanon.
Al Dayaa is specialized in manufacturing, importing, and exporting food products. Its sales are relative to both wholesale and unit sale.
The company commercial number is the following: 15136
The company VAT number is the following: 249648-601
We export our products to many important and highly advanced countries such as France, America, Canada, Africa, and many other European countries, in addition to the Arab countries such as Kuwait, Jordan, and others.

Al Dayaa Production

Since our main concept is to be honest with our customers. Al Dayaa has watched out carefully from the beginning its products to be well prepared and well offered to people. In that matter we attend to have all natural materials in our production. Our products are all made from natural and fresh resources that we get from the Lebanese big lands.
For that reason once you try Al Dayaa products, you can never forget the fresh taste that you will feel.
Al Dayaa has adopted a new strategy of bottling, packaging, and stocking pickles and olive oil, which preserves the rich and fresh flavor upon use.

The packing is made at Al Dayaa headquarters, where the newest automatic equipments are used in the process thereof to preserve the characteristics of the fresh products such as flavor and taste. The best packing materials we use protect the products from light, humidity and air.


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