So many factors have helped Al Dayaa
Company to reach its high commercial position of today. The
company aims all the time to realize the principles that she
is build on from the whole beginning.
The consumer satisfaction is our main concern, for that we offer
to people our products in order to satisfy their needs in the
easiest way. Whereas the consumer can get Al Dayaa products
from the local market, also we can export the products to him
to any country in the world. This can be done through some specific
procedures that should be taken.
Our products can be labeled with Al Dayaa brand or it can be
labeled with any private name that the costumer proposes. Furthermore,
the costumer has the right to select any color, shape, language…
he prefers for his own label.
of the most company's important obligation and interest is the
quality control, where the products are often tested in the
laboratories. Every product is known with its own nutrition
fact. Besides, we always take into consideration the degree
of temperature under which every product will be prepared.
Some products are more exposed to expiration and degeneration
due to aging or bad stocking. Therefore, Al Dayaa sterilizes
the manufactured products before and after the packing process,
which may enhance their preservation in the packs, moreover
preserve the highest quality of the products.